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Spotkanie networkingowe dla branży metalowej

Zapraszamy na spotkanie networkingowe dla przedsiębiorstw branży metalowej. Jest ono organiozowane przez sieć EUROSMES, w której Polskę reprezentuje Związek Pracodawców Warszawy i Mazowszka (członek Konfederacji Lewiatan).



Tekst zaproszenia:


It is our pleasure to inform you that next 12th February 2015, it will take place the I EUROSMEs Micro Business Meeting. This year the event will be hosted by, 


In collaboration with its Industrial Business Asociation, AIC.

Carretera de Valencia, Km. 7

Poligono Alcoz Alto, Nave 4 - 50410 Cuarte de Huerva - Zaragoza - Spain


We are therefore pleased to invite you as a EUROSMEs Member and those enterprises from your Association that you consider most appropriated to the event.


This meeting is an unique opportunity for representatives of enterprises, business owners, meet face to face with other entrepreneurs from different European countries and do business.


The attendees enterprises should be accompanied by a representative of their Country Business Association, and bring with them specific information about the enterprise and the industrial structure of the region/country represented.


Participant countries; Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Italy, Ireland, Finland, Poland, Sweden, Portugal Spain, Slovenia and Croatia.

Industrial Sector that will be represented METAL, and its affiliated sectors.


CEPYME ARAGON, is the responsible for coordinating the actions to take and assume the basic cost of organizing, bus journey to AIC, translators if they are previously required and other expenses as a working coffee and a networking lunch for all participating companies. Other expenses as travel and accommodation costs of attendees should be assumed individually by their own.


The session will take from 9:30 a.m to 17:30 p.m of 12th of February. Please find enclosed the Meeting Guide and the Agenda for further information.


It is our profound hope that we may have the pleasure of welcoming you to this very important event.

Please, confirm your assistance and the assistence of 3 or 4 SMEs through e-mail:

and find the registration form in the EUROSMEs website:


Business Micro Meeting for SMEs in Zaragoza.

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